Arts After Hours is a biennial visual arts program sponsored by the Arts Council with the purpose to help local businesses, state agencies, and educational and medical institutions identify and celebrate the artistic talents of the people they employ.
The Springfield Area Arts Council is proud to announce a new chapter in its On My Own Time program in 2023. To mark the twenty-fifth anniversary of this biennial visual arts program and to clarify its purpose, the Arts Council is re-naming it Art After Hours. The program gives employees of participating businesses, government agencies, and medical and educational institutions an opportunity to showcase their creativity and accomplishments through artwork completed outside working hours.
Eligible artwork for Art After Hours includes paintings and drawings, fiber and needlework, pottery, photography, jewelry, glass, metal, wood, fiber, and paper.
Based on a city-wide standard, artwork from each Workplace Exhibit will be judged by a panel of specialists with awards for first, second, or third place. First place-winning artwork then will be displayed in the Citywide Exhibit to be held December 6-21, 2023, at the M. G. Nelson Family Gallery at 700 North Fourth Street, Springfield.
Arts Council volunteers Rod and Rosemary Buffington coordinate the Art After Hours program. For further information about participating in this program, please call or email the Springfield Area Arts Council at 217-753-3519 or programs@springfieldartsco.org.
FIRST | Chris Elzea | Kruger Dawn | The Wardrobe
SECOND| Seth Schriftman | Noah Raphael | Revenue
THIRD | Amanda Dace | Rebirth | Healthcare and Family Services
HM | John Max Brodt | Venetian Dream | Revenue
HM | Grace McCarten | The Nails So Far | Environmental Protection Agency
HM | Kelly Walker | Steampunk Raven | BUNN
FIRST | Michelle Smith | They Love To Hate | Illinois State Police
SECOND| Lessa Beenenga | First Born | Springfield District 186
THIRD | Diane Wilson | Flower Fantasy | Lincoln Land Community College
HM | Adena Rivas | Untitled Head | Environmental Protection Agency
HM | Millie Hreczany | What Took You So Long? | Illinois State Police
FIRST | Yoko Abe-Bell | Maiko | Illinois State Police
FIRST | Adena Rivas | Raven’s Lost Treasures | Environmental Protection Agency
SECOND| Greg Walbert | Hear the Bells Ringing | Lincoln Land Community College
THIRD | Jera Josserand | Rusted Wood | State Board of Education
HM | Jan Szoke | Summer’s Glory | Lincoln Land Community College
FIRST | Maureen Wozniak | Christmas Cardinal II | Environmental Protection Agency
SECOND| Amy Zimmer | Fall Pumpkin | Environmental Protection Agency
THIRD | Lessa Beenenga | Untitled (Necklace) | Springfield District 186
HM | Kristi Todd | Banner | Illinois State Police
HM | Lori Ferry | Wonky Quilt | The Wardrobe
FIRST | Amanda Dace | Rosewood Teapot | Healthcare and Family Services
SECOND| Amanda Dace | Forest Mug | Healthcare and Family Services
FIRST | Esteban Cruz | Rain, Rain Go Away | Lincoln Land Community College
SECOND| Jason Vulgamott | Untitled (Tall Sticks) | Illinois State Police
THIRD | Michelle Burger | Bale Yeah Cowgirl | Lincoln Land Community College
HM | Stephen Minch | Night Rider | Springfield District 186
HM | Joshua Rhoades | Cape Hadarus Light | Environmental Protection
FIRST | Ron Pitchford | Unexpected Lost Film 1939 | Department of Revenue
FIRST | Jera Josserand | Elizabeth’s Lace | State Board of Education
FIRST | Fred Blanford | Writing In Style | Environmental Protection Agency
FIRST | Michelle Ryan | Blooming Dew | Environmental Protection Agency
SECOND| Michelle Ryan | Dangerous Baby Toys | Environmental Protection Agency
THIRD | Lessa Beenenga | Untitled | Springfield District 186
HM | Kelly Sholtis | Fancy Flamingo | Springfield District 186
FIRST | Angela Kinner | Leviathan | Department of Revenue
SECOND| Alicia Hopwood | We Did Bouquet | Healthcare and Family Services
Adena Rivas | Raven’s Lost Treasures | Environmental Protection Agency
Kelly Sholtis | Fancy Flamingo | Glass